





·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Nutrition

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Other Suggestions


Research Topics


My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Sensory Processing


·        Neurodevelopmental Delays

Note: The 'Neurodevelopmental Delays' page includes the sections 'Laterality', and 'Vestibular System'

·       Occupational Therapy

·       Sensory Integration

·       Tips


Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy vs. Self-Treatment

"If you want to truly savor the taste of normality, an occupational therapist should evaluate you, figure out your specific needs, even if you are only mildly defensive, and carefully monitor your success. Evaluation and proper treatment require very sophisticated information about sensory integration theory and practice: for proper treatment, you must identify the cause of the defensiveness. As A. Jean Ayres pointed out, therapy is not just adding sensation: 'The brain must be able to process the sensation so that the integrative mechanisms can develop and function.' If you only self-treat, your activity dosage or timing might be off, just as it would be if you took the wrong dose of a psychotropic drug like Prozac. (Page 19)"

Book: Heller, Sharon, Ph.D. Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight. Quill, 2003.


 Sensory Integration

Binocular Vision Impairments

"94-97% of children with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties display a difficulty in coordinated movement of the eyes indicating a cerebellar/vestibular dysfunction. This leads to reading problems as the eyes will tend to jump rather than track across a page of writing smoothly."

Sensory-Motor Integration and Learning



"Often, so much effort is expended in control of eye movement, that reading comprehension is poor and the child is inordinately tired at the end of a school day. If it is obvious that a child has vision difficulty, the advice of an experienced behavioural optometrist should be sought."

Sensory-Motor Integration and Learning



"By the same token, development of handedness or laterality is also implicated. Depending on the degree of the problem, many children who persistently reverse letters have not achieved dominant laterality and are mistakenly diagnosed as dyslexic if they are deemed bright, and dull, lazy, or learning disabled if they are not. A lot of the time simply correcting handedness by finding the naturally dominant handedness will correct the problem."

Sensory-Motor Integration and Learning


Hearing and Balance

"…Many things can go wrong with the sense of hearing and balance. For example, continued ear infections during the critical periods of neuronal network formation will disrupt normal development. Without being able to hear properly, (certain frequencies may be 'blocked' due to the infection) we are unable to process and integrate that information. As a result, language, both written and spoken, may be delayed, the sense of balance disrupted or worse. With each ear infection crucial frequencies of sound are not integrated within the critical time frame of development. Developmental delay is proportionate to recovery time."

Sensory-Motor Integration and Learning



Reinforcing Laterality with Dual-Brain Psychology

·        Laterality: Correcting Laterality: Correcting Hemispheric Dominance: Lateralized Goggles

·        Research Topics: Dual-Brain Psychology



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