





·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Hearing

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Vision

·         Other Suggestions


Research Topics


My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Prior Updates



10/29/03         Neurodevelopmental Delays: Improving Proprioception

Added excerpts from the article:

Neurological Systems That Support Sensory Processing


10/28/03         Arousal: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
Added new section Nuts


10/28/03         Arousal: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

·        Added new section Some Alternatives to Fish

·        Added an excerpt from the book '8 Weeks to Optimum Health' to the section Omega-3 Supplements


10/27/03         Suggestions: Hearing

Added a link to Laterality: Correcting Ear Dominance


10/27/03         Suggestions: Vision

Added link to Laterality: Correcting Eye Dominance


10/27/03         Sensory Processing: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Added new section Improving Proprioception


10/27/03         Sensory Processing: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Split descriptions, problems and suggestions for sensory systems into separate sections


10/27/03         Sensory Processing: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Added new section Summary


10/26/03         Suggestions: Vision

Moved the section Conscious and Subconscious Vision from the 'Research Topics' page to the 'Vision Suggestions' page


10/26/03         Suggestions: Arousal

Moved the Hypoglycemia section to a separate page


10/26/03         Arousal: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Added new section Omega-3 Deficiency and Depression


10/25/03         Research Topics: Brainwaves

Added a note containing some important information about the Alpha-Theta CD


10/24/03         Research Topics: Brainwaves

·        Moved information about meditation in the 'Theta' section to the section Alpha-Theta Therapy: Meditation

·        Added new section Alpha-Theta Brainwaves

·        Added an excerpt from the article 'Brain Activity' to the Alpha Brainwavessection

·        Added new section Introduction to the 'Beta Brainwaves' section and moved the other excerpts to the section Too Much Beta


10/23/03         Arousal: Allergies

Added a link to more information about anaphylaxis in the section:

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Allergies


10/23/03         Arousal: Allergies

Added new section Similar or Related Conditions


10/22/03         Suggestions: Arousal

Added new section Allergies


10/21/03         Suggestions: Arousal

Added new section Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)


10/20/03         Other Suggestions: Posture

Updated the section Lower Back Pain, Neck Pain

·        Added new section Preventative/Corrective Exercises


10/20/03         Research Topics: Conscious and Subconscious Vision

·        Renamed the section 'Improving Central and Peripheral Vision' to Improving Binocular Functions and moved it to the 'Binocular Functions' section

·        Updated the section 'Improving Binocular Functions'


10/19/03         Vision Suggestions: Three-Dimensional Stereo Images

Added new section Things to Avoid


10/19/03         Research Topics: Conscious and Subconscious Vision

Added new section: Improving Peripheral and Central Vision


10/19/03         Suggestions: The Bates Method of Better Eyesight without Glasses

Added new section Palming and Visualization


10/19/03         Research Topics: Conscious and Subconscious Vision

Added new section: Definitions


10/19/03         Suggestions: The Bates Method of Better Eyesight without Glasses

Added another excerpt to the section: Unconscious Vision


10/19/03         Research Topics: Conscious and Subconscious Vision

Added a link to the section Bates Method: Unconscious Vision


10/19/03         Research Topics

Renamed the topic 'Central and Peripheral Vision' to Conscious and Subconscious Vision


10/17/03         Research Topics: Brainwaves

Added new section Flexibility: Moving between States


10/17/03         My Theories

Added new theory Internet Addiciton is Caused by Activities which Constantly Require Central Vision


10/16/03         Research Topics: Central and Peripheral Vision

Added an excerpt from the article USAF: Night Vision Goggles (Word Document, 1.47 MB)


10/16/03         Suggestions

·        Moved the 'Neurodevelopmental Delays' category to the new category Sensory Processing

·        Moved the section 'Sensory Integration' from the 'Other Suggestions' page to the Sensory Processingpage


10/16/03         Arousal Suggestions: Hypoglycemia

Added more information to the sections Refined Carbohydrates and Dietary Advice


10/16/03         Research Topics: Integration

Replaced the link to the 'Bates Method' page with a link to the theory Bates Method Exercises Increase Hemispheric Communication


10/15/03         Research Topics

Added new topic Central and Peripheral Vision


10/15/03         Vision Suggestions: Three-Dimensional Stereo Images

Added new section Fatigue


10/14/03         Other Suggestions: Posture

Added a note for one of the links following the section Additional Exercises


10/14/03         Vision Suggestions: Mobility/Ocular Motility

Added a link to the section Bates Method: Mobility


10/14/03         Vision Suggestions

Renamed the section 'Ocular Motility' to Mobility/Ocular Motility


10/14/03         Vision Suggestions: Bates Method

Added new section Vision and the Mind


10/14/03         Other Suggestions: Posture

Added new section Additional Exercises to the Rounded Shoulders section


10/13/03         Other Suggestions: Posture

Added new section Thigh Exercises and Stretches to the Weak Hamstring Muscles section


10/13/03         Research Topics: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

·        Added excerpts from the  article Newly Diagnosed: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

·        Added new section Possible Causes: Abnormal Glucose Metabolism


10/12/03         Arousal

Added a table of contents for the 'Hypoglycemia' section


10/12/03         Arousal: Hypoglycemia

Added new sections Testing for Hypoglycemia and Dietary Advice


10/12/03         Arousal: Hypoglycemia

Added new section Metabolism


10/11/03         Arousal: Hypoglycemia

Added excerpts from the article ILT: Hypoglycemia


10/11/03         Arousal

Moved the research topic Hypoglycemia to the 'Arousal' page


10/11/03         Suggestions

                       Created new category Arousal

and added sections 'Arousal', 'Hyperactivity/High Arousal' and 'Depression/Low Arousal' from the 'Other Suggestions'


10/10/03         Vision Suggestions: Three-Dimensional Stereo Images

Renamed the section 'Increasing Alpha Waves' to Increasing Alpha Waves, Decreasing Beta Waves


10/10/03         Suggestions

Moved the link for the Neurodevelopmental Delays from the 'Other Suggestions' page to the 'Suggestions' page


10/10/03         Other Suggestions Depression/Low Arousal

Added new section Low Arousal


10/10/03         Other Suggestions: Arousal

Moved the section Hyperactivity/High Arousal to a separate section


10/09/03         Other Suggestions

Moved the section The Perception of Color from the 'Depression' section to the 'Arousal' section


10/09/03         Other Suggestions

Updated the section Depression

Updated the section 'Depression and the Color Red' and renamed it 'The Perception of Color'


10/07/03         Other Suggestions: Arousal

Moved the research topic Low Adrenaline to the 'Arousal' section


10/07/03         Research Topics

Added new topic Hypoglycemia


10/06/03         Vision Suggestions: Three-Dimensional Stereo Images

Added new section Increasing Alpha Waves


10/06/03         Other Suggestions: Arousal

Added a link to the Neurodevelopmental Delays section


10/06/03         Vision Suggestions

Added new sections:

·        The Visual Sense

·        Binocular Functions

·        Ocular Motility


10/06/03         Other Suggestions: Arousal

Added new sections


10/06/03         Other Suggestions

Moved some sections from the 'Endorphin Addiction' page and the 'Exercise' section to the new section Arousal


10/04/03         Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Replaced the link to the 'Laterality' page with a link to the section 'Laterality: Lateralisation'


10/04/03         Other Suggestions: Laterality

Added new section Lateralisation


10/03/03         Hearing Suggestions

Moved the section PC Noise from the 'Low-Frequency Noise' page to the 'Hearing Suggestions'  page because some PCs also make high frequency noises


10/03/03         Vision Suggestions

Added new section Computer Vision Syndrome


10/03/03         About this Site

Added a note about viewing this site with different browsers


10/03/03         Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Updated the section Vestibular System


10/03/03         Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Moved the suggestion 'Neurodevelopmental Delays' (including the Laterality and Vestibular System sections) to a separate page


10/02/03          Research Topics

Moved the topic Sensory Integration to the Other Suggestions page


10/02/03          Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Added new sections:

·        Differentiation

·        Interhemispheric Integration

·        Other Influences on Development


10/01/03          Other Suggestions: Posture

Added new sections Don't Overwork the Abdominals and Restricted Breathing


10/01/03          Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Added some excerpts from the article ILT: Causes to the section What are Neurodevelopmental Delays?


10/01/03          Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Added new section Proprioception


10/01/03          Other Suggestions: Neurodevelopmental Delays

Added a link to the Vision Suggestions page


10/01/03          Other Suggestions

Moved the sections Laterality and Vestibular System to the Neurodevelopmental Delays section


10/01/03          Research Topics

Moved the topic Neurodevelopmental Delays to the Other Suggestions page


10/01/03          Research Topics

Renamed the topic 'Developmental Delays' to 'Neurodevelopmental Delays'




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