





·         Arousal

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Research Topics


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The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Laterality: Determining Laterality


·        Handedness

·        Determining Eye Dominance

·        Determining Ear Dominance

·        Determining Foot Dominance

·        Leg Crossing

·        Hemispheric Language Dominance

·        Chewing-Side Preference



"The hand is the best way to determine which is your dominant side. It almost never gets confused unless you lose your dominant hand, or lose the use of your dominant hand. (That is why it is so detrimental to force a left-handed person to use his/her right hand. It really messes with the brain.) NACD tells me that they have never once run across a truly ambidextrous person – every single case they have seen, without exception, was actually a case of mixed dominance."

Katherine's Page: Mixed Dominance


Determining Eye Dominance


Determining Ear Dominance

"Note which ear the individual uses for the telephone, which ear does that individual turn towards you to hear more clearly, to which ear does that individual bring an object to hear slight sounds like a watch."

CAN-DO: Hearing, Learning and Listening: The Role of Auditory Function in Academics and Everyday Life


Determining Foot Dominance

Note: Foot dominance is sometimes referred to as 'footedness'.

"The foot.  When you go to kick a soccer ball, you generally lead with your dominant foot. You might have to observe yourself or your child over a period of time to be certain which foot is actually dominant."

Katherine's Page: Mixed Dominance


Leg Crossing

Note: Leg may decrease blood flow to your legs and have a negative impact on proprioception.


"Picasso also provides a good example of another laterality, leg-crossing. Most people sit in a chair with one leg crossed over the other, and for most people this tends to be with right leg over the left, at least at first until the legs begin to ache when people will cross the other way. Leg-crossing seems to be constant through life, and there are pictures of Picasso taken in 1939, 1948, 1952, 1954 and 1957, in each of which he sits with the left leg crossed over the right. Leg-crossing is statistically related to handedness (Reiss, 1994) and should not be confused with the 'palthi' style in India of sitting cross-legged on the ground, where the palms of the feet point upwards (Chaurasia, 1976)." Chapter 7: Hypernotes


Related Topics

·         Laterality: Mixed Laterality and Muscle Tension


Hemispheric Language Dominance

Left Hemisphere

"In most people the left hemisphere [and the right ear] of the brain is dominant for language."

Handedness and hemispheric language dominance in healthy humans.


Right Hemisphere

Because of the increased incidence of atypical right-hemispheric language in left-handed neurological patients, a systematic association between handedness and dominance has long been suspected…The incidence of right-hemisphere [and left ear] language dominance was found to increase linearly with the degree of left-handedness, from

·        4% in strong right-handers…to

·        15% in ambidextrous individuals and

·        27% in strong left-handers"

Handedness and hemispheric language dominance in healthy humans.



Listening to dialog with the ear which _should_ be dominant may be helpful in correcting ear dominance if the language center of the brain is located in the more mature or dominant hemisphere of the brain.


Chewing-Side Preference

Change in Chewing-Side Preference May Cause TMD

"Here we can see a patient whose usual chewing side is the left side, but he has changed it to the right side due to a pain in the molars (see orthopantomography). This change has caused occlusal interferences (CP), which at the same time force the malpositioning of the jaw producing TMD symptoms"

Change in side of chewing due to pain in the molars to come out


Hemispheric Dominance of Tongue Control

"The results suggest that there is a relationship between hemispheric dominance and chewing-side preference in primary sensorimotor cortices responsible for tongue movements."

Hemispheric dominance of tongue control depends on the chewing-side preference.




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