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·       What are EFAs?

·           Frequently Asked Questions

·           Homemade Flax Meal

·           Serving Suggestions

·           Fiber

·          Allergies

·          Soaking Flax Seeds

·          Problems with Chewing Flax Seeds

·           Links

·          Other Sources of EFAs


What are EFAs?

·        Arousal: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): What are EFAs?


Frequently Asked Questions

·          Diana Dyer, MS, RD, Cancer and Nutrition Specialist: FAQ: Flaxseeds


Homemade Flax Meal

"I suggest adding homemade flax meal to your diet, since this is a cheap and convenient source of the fatty acids you want.

·        Buy whole flaxseeds in a natural-food store.

·        Keep them in the refrigerator, and

·        grind a half-cup or so at a time, using a blender or coffee grinder [supposedly you can also use a mortar and pestle]. (Pages 52-53)"

Book: Weil, Andrew, M.D. 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. Alfred A. Knoph, Inc., 1997.


"When purchasing flax seeds that have already been ground the health benefits quickly disappear over time due to oxidation (exposure to air) and degradation of the chemical makeup of the flax. For this reason it is always better to use whole flax seeds and then grind them as needed." Delicious flax seed recipes and directions for use


"Whole flax seed which is clean, dry and of good quality, can be stored at room temperature for up to a year. For optimum freshness, ground flax seed should be ground as needed. Unused ground flax seed can be refrigerated in an airtight container if it will be used in just a matter of days, or it can be stored in the freezer for about a month." Delicious flax seed recipes and directions for use


Serving Suggestions

"Ground flax has a nutty taste that is quite good added to certain

·        cereals,

·        salads,

·        potatoes,

·        rice, or

·        cooked vegetables.

A tablespoon [or two] of the meal once a day will give you a good ration of the omega-3s. (Pages 52-53)" 

Book: Weil, Andrew, M.D. 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. Alfred A. Knoph, Inc., 1997.



"Because flaxseed is high in fiber, it is

·        important to drink plenty of water.

·        Flaxseed absorbs approximately eight times its weight in water,  so

·         if taken 1 hour before meals, it may help you loose extra weight by reducing your appetite."

Golden Fitness Flaxseed: Why Use Flaxseed?


"Be aware that flaxseeds are high in fiber and will increase the bulk of stools; in some individuals they may exert a laxative effect. Most people find this less welcome, but some do not. If it bothers you, eat less. (Pages 52-53)"

Dr. Weil continues by:

·       Recommending flaxseeds instead of flaxseed oil

·       Mentioning that the seeds of hemp and hops have omega-3, but are not readily available.

·       Mentioning that canola and soy oils also have omega-3s, but not nearly as much as flax.

·       Mentioning that the vegetable purslane, which is considered by some to be a weed, contains omega-3s

Book: Weil, Andrew, M.D. 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. Alfred A. Knoph, Inc., 1997.



"On rare occasions, some people may have an allergic reaction to flaxseed."

Golden Fitness Flaxseed: Why Use Flaxseed?


Soaking Flax Seeds

"Soaking the flaxseeds not only allows for a smoother consistency for smoothies, but it also assists in a more thorough breakdown of the seed into all of its health-giving components -- essentially predigesting the flax for you." AO Organic Flaxseed


"If you soak your flax overnight first, you will probably need to double this [dosage] to accommodate the expansion due to the absorption by the flax of the surrounding water." AO Organic Flaxseed


Problems with Chewing Flax Seeds

·          "It is the best freshly grounded.

·          Some people first soak it, and then ground.

·          It is not very good to use it whole, unless you are ready to chew every mouthful over 100 times.

·          People doing Bowel cleanse have reported finding a lot of whole flax seeds, sesame seeds, popcorn (unpoped) and other seeds. It stuck in the bowel mucus, if it is not chewed well. Some people have reported finding popcorn many years old, in the thing that came out while bowel cleansing. (they remember not eating popcorn for many years.)" Flaxseed/Linseed Oil for Liver and Gallbladder



·        'The Facts on Flax' by Dr. Andrew Weil


Other Sources of EFAs

·        Arousal: Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) Sources 



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