





·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Nutrition

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Other Suggestions


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My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Sleep on Your Back


·          Don't Sleep on Your Side or Stomach

·          Tips

·           Things to Consider


Don't Sleep on Your Side or Stomach

·          Laterality problems may be exacerbated if you are unable to hear through your dominant ear, or if sleeping on one side causes more muscle tension in that side than the other side

·          Sleeping on your side can cause rounded shoulders

·          Pressure against your eye(s) can exacerbate eyestrain. This may also exacerbate problems with eye dominance, and amblyopia if it causes the 'should-be' dominant eye (the eye that is on the same side of your body as your dominant hand) to be more strained than the other eye.

·          Pressure against the jaw can exacerbate TMD problems.

·          If you have hyperacusis and you sleep on your side, this may, at least temporarily, cause your other ear to be hypersensitive.

Hyperacusis: Things to Avoid: Plugging one Ear


"There's an element of danger about pillows that 'support' the neck, for if you're sleeping on your side, consequently with pressure against the side of your neck, you may suffer some degree of restriction of your head's blood supply."

The Alexander Technique: A Brief Guide to the Basics



Head and Neck Pillows

Note 1: Cervical pillows (pillows that support your neck) may need to be rotated if you sleep on your side, and may need to be flipped over if you sleep on your stomach.

Note 2:  Sleeping on your side, while on some cervical pillows, may put pressure on your eye socket, and cause eyestrain. Certain cervical pillows may require that you rotate them 180 degrees when sleeping on your side.

"Foam, fiberfill, down, orthopedic, buckwheat- I've tried them all. The type of pillow that will work for you depends not on the type of pillow but on the position your head ends up in. As I noted above, the pillow needs to support your neck while on your back, without throwing your head forward or letting it fall too far back."

Dr. Craig Benson: Sleeping


"A pillow that is contoured to fill the spaces under the head and neck can be helpful for people with neck pain…Some orthopedic pillows tend to wear out after one or two years and may need replacing." Different Types of Pillows


"Avoid thick pillows under your head that can force the head forward and place constant stress on the upper back and neck"

Sleep Zone


Knee Pillows

"Using a traditional (mattress top) pillow…below the knees (when sleeping on the back) is important to alleviate strain on the lower back." Different Types of Pillows


·        "When sleeping on your back, your position should be the same as an erect standing posture.

·        A pillow under the knees helps take pressure off of the lower back. "

Dr. Craig Benson: Sleeping


"Some people even prefer to have two pillows to elevate their knees higher. With two or more pillows underneath the knees, the lumbar spine is flattened, putting less force on the pain sensitive facet joints of the spine." Different Types of Pillows


“The best position for relief when your back hurts is to lie [see pictures for more info] on your back on the floor with pillows under your knees,

·        With your hips and knees bent and your feet on a chair, or

·        Just with your hips and knees bent.

This takes the pressure and weight off your back.

     If you're resting a hurt back, you may need 1 to 2 days of this sort of rest. Resting longer than this can cause your muscles to weaken [note: this advice pertains to back pain only, and does not necessarily apply to postural deficiencies such as lumbar lordosis], which can slow your recovery. Even if it hurts, walk around for a few minutes every hour.” Low Back Pain: 'Tips on Pain Relief and Prevention'


·        Posture: Lumbar Lordosis



·          Sleep: Mattresses


Unconfirmed Tips

"A good way to sleep on your back--have one arm over the head, and the other arm down. Or cross your arms over the chest area."


Things to Consider

Nasal Blockage

"If you lie on your side, the nostril that is on top becomes more open."

WebMD: Nasal Obstruction


Lower Back Pain, Disc Problems

"Persons who suffer low back pain may prefer to sleep on their backs with a pillow under the knees or under the small of their backs. Before you do so, consult your Doctor of Chiropractic. He or she may recommend that you actually avoid this position if you have low-back pain or other extenuating conditions such as disc problems."

Sleep Zone



"During the second half of pregnancy, avoid sleeping on your back, a position that puts the full weight of your uterus on your spine, back muscles, intestines, and the inferior vena cava (the vein that transports blood from your lower body to the heart). Back-sleeping can also put you at risk for backaches and hemorrhoids, inefficient digestion, impaired breathing and circulation, and even low blood pressure."

What is the best position for sleeping during pregnancy?


Snoring, Cramps, Breathing

"Snoring actually disturbs the sleeping patterns of the snorer, making restful sleep difficult. Finally, snoring can be an indicator of obstructive sleep apnea --a serious medical problem."

The Head and Neck Center: Snoring and Sleep Apnea


"Avoid a high-fat meal rich in animal protein three hours before sleeping. Don't sleep on your back [if you snore]. If you must, use a low-level pillow. If your nose is congested, spray some kind of decongestant." Sleepless? There's a Way Out!


"Avoid sleeping on your back if you can. It cramps your back muscles, interferes with breathing and leads to snoring. Avoid sleeping on your stomach either, as it can lead to back aches." Sleepless? There's a Way Out!



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