





·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Nutrition

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Other Suggestions


Research Topics


My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Prior Updates



10/31/04   Nutrition: Water

Added an excerpt to the section:

Things to Consider: Filtered Water


10/31/04   Nutrition: Water

Updated the section:

Things to Consider


10/31/04   Nutrition: Water

Added an excerpt to the section:



10/31/04   Announcement

It is my understanding that the values of various volumes listed on this web site (e.g. gallons, quarts, ounces, pints) are in US volume units, not British volume units.


10/31/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Moved the section:

Things to Consider: Water Filters

to the section:

Nutrition: Water


10/31/04   Research Topics: CFIDS

Added links

to the section:



10/31/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Updated the section:  



10/31/04   Nutrition: Sea Salt

Added some excerpts to the section:

Too Much Salt: High or High-Normal Blood Pressure


10/30/04   Indoor Air Pollution: Negative Ions

Added new section:

Artificial Sources: Negative Ion Generators: Small, Ingestible Negative Ions


10/24/04   Hearing: PC Noise

Added new section:

Other Reviews


10/24/04   The Brain: Adrenaline

Added link:

·        Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist: Backsliding: Eyestrain

To the section:

Adrenaline and Stress


10/24/04   Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist

Added link:

·        Research Topics: Brainwaves: Beta Brainwaves: Too Much Beta

to the section

Backsliding: Eyestrain


10/24/04   Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals

Added some excerpts to the section:

Problems with Absorption: Over-the-Counter Medications: Antacids--Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A


10/22/04   Research Topics

Added new section:



10/21/04   Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist

Added some links within the section:

Backsliding: Amblyopia


10/20/04   The Brain

Added link:

Exercise: Aerobic Exercise: Effects: Cognitive Function


10/20/04   The Brain: Adrenaline

Added links:

·        Other Suggestions: Hypovolemia: Hyperactivity, Adrenaline Addiction

·        The Brain: Frontal Lobes

To the section:

Adrenaline and Stress


10/20/04   Nutrition: Sea Salt

Added new section:

Salty Foods


10/19/04   The Brain: Adrenaline

Added new sections:

o       Adrenaline and Stress

o       Causes of Adrenaline Release: Sugar

o       Causes of Adrenaline Release: Stimulants


10/18/04   Exercise: Aerobic Exercise

Replaced the section 'Effects: Treating Depression' with the new section:

Effects: Psychological Benefits


10/18/04   Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist

Added new section:

Backsliding: Amblyopia


10/17/04   Hearing: Hyperacusis

Added some links to the section:

Things to Consider


10/17/04   Hearing: Ear Plugs

Added new section:

Musicians' Earplugs


10/17/04   Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist

Renamed the section 'Backsliding: Frontal Lobes' to:

Backsliding: Sensory Overload


10/15/04   The Brain: Adrenaline

Updated the section:

Causes of Adrenaline Release: Alcohol


10/15/04   Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist

Added links:

·        Vision: Bates Method: Accommodation: Changing Focus, Room Lighting

·         Vision: Binocular Functions: Amblyopia: Tips: Reposition Your Monitor

·        Hearing: Sound Sensitivity

to the section

Backsliding: Eyestrain


10/15/04   The Brain: Adrenaline

Added new sections:

·        Causes of Adrenaline Release

·        Inhibitors of Adrenaline Release


10/14/04   Vision: 3D Stereo Images

Added new section:

Focusing and Un-focusing


10/14/04   Vision: 3D Stereo Images

Removed the section:

Shortcomings: Accommodative Insufficiency

'The eye accommodates as it changes focus for far and near objects. Since most people always view stereo images from the same distance, stereo images aren't very helpful for treating accommodative insufficiency.'


10/13/04   Polls

Updated theresults of the polls


10/10/04   Other Suggestions: Keeping a Checklist

Added links:

·         Vision: Binocular Functions: Convergence Insufficiency: Causes: Close-Up Work

·        Vision: Computer Monitor Viewing Distance and Angle

to the section:

Backsliding: Eyestrain


10/10/04   Nutrition: Sea Salt

Updated the section:

Benefits: Sea Salt vs. Table Salt


10/08/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Moved the sections:

·         Water

·        Sea Salt

to the Nutrition page


10/08/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Corrected the section:

Prevention: Sea Salt: Things to Consider

The US recommended daily allowance (RDA) of sodium is less than 2400mg (2400 mg is a maximum.)


10/07/04   My Theories

Added new theory:

Internet Addiction is Caused by Hypovolemia (Low Blood Volume)


10/06/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Added new sections:

·         Effects: Pain, Localized Thirst

·        Effects: Lymph Flow


10/06/04   Vitamins and Minerals: Liquid Multivitamins

Added new section:

Things to Consider


10/06/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Added new sections:

o       Prevention: Water: Substitutions

o       Things to Consider: Diuretic Foods and Beverages


10/05/04   Other Suggestions: Self-Control

Added new section:



10/05/04   Other Suggestions: Electrolytes

Added a warning about eating too much smoked foods, such as beef jerky, to the section:

Things to Consider


10/05/04   Sleep: Sleep on Your Back

Added link:

Posture: Lumbar Lordosis

to the section:

Tips: Knee Pillows


10/04/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Added new section:

Effects: Thirst


10/03/04   The Brain: Frontal Lobes

Added new section:

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS)


10/03/04   Hearing: Hyperacusis

Added new section:

Suggestions: Pink Noise: Exhaling White Noise


10/03/04   Other Suggestions: Breathing

Updated the section: Respiratory Acidosis: Treatment

o       Removed the comment 'can certain electrolyte drinks, containing bicarbonate, worsen respiratory acidosis?'

o       Added link:

Other Suggestions: Electrolytes: What to Look For: Buffers (stomach buffers, not blood buffers)


10/03/04   Other Suggestions: Dehydration

Added new section:

Prevention: Sea Salt


10/02/04   Other Suggestions: Electrolytes

Added a definition to the section:

What to Look For: Buffers


10/01/04   The Brain: Adrenaline

Added link:

Arousal: Depression: Blood Sugar Levels

to the section:

Related Topics


10/01/04   Other Suggestions: Breathing

Updated the sections:

·        Respiratory Acidosis: Causes

·        Respiratory Acidosis: Treatment


10/01/04   Other Suggestions: Electrolytes

Added new sections:

What are Electrolytes?: Bicarbonate


10/01/04   Other Suggestions: Breathing

Added an excerpt to the section:

Respiratory Acidosis: What is Respiratory Acidosis?




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