





·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Nutrition

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Other Suggestions


Research Topics


My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Prior Updates

July ’06 to September ‘06


09/30/06   Arousal: Allergies: More Information: Food Allergies and Intolerances: Candida/Yeast Intolerance

Add links:

·         GoodnessDirect: Articles and Info: Health Library: 'Tips for an Anti-Candida Diet' by Jo Coffey (these tips were adapted from Erica White’s Beat Candida cookbook and Patrick Holfords Optimum Nutrition Bible)

· 'The Recommended Candida Diet or Yeast Infection Diet'

to the section:



09/26/06   Posture: Driving Posture

Added new section

Things to Consider


09/26/06   Posture: Products

Added new section

Products: Lumbar Supports: Tips


09/25/06 Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity

Added a note to the section:

Suggestions: Changing Background Colors


09/25/06   Vision: The Bates Method

Added an excerpt to the section:

Changing Focus, Room Lighting


09/25/06 Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity

Added a paragraph to the section:

Suggestions: Contrast and Brightness: Things to Consider


09/21/06   Arousal: Allergies: More Information: Food Allergies and Intolerances

Added new sections:

·         Symptoms: Symptoms in Men

·         Symptoms: Symptoms in Children

·         Symptoms: Symptoms in Women

to the section

Candida/Yeast Intolerance


09/21/06   Vision: The Bates Method

Added new section:

Maximize the Effect of the Bates Method: Reading


09/19/06   Notes

Added one note


09/19/06   Announcement

Some of the hyperlinks on the Laterality

page were mismatched. I believe that this occurred because of a bug in Microsoft Word 2002


09/13/06   Arousal: Allergies

Added new section:

Candida/Yeast Intolerance

to the section

More Information: Food Allergies and Intolerances


09/13/06   Arousal: Allergies

Moved the sections:

·        ‘More Information: Food Allergies’

·        ‘More Information: Food Intolerance’

·        ‘More Information: Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy’

To the new page: Food Allergies and Intolerances 


9/11/06   Notes

Added two notes


9/07/06   Notes

Added a note


09/04/06   Arousal: Allergies

Add new section:

More Information: Food Intolerance


09/04/06   Other Suggestions

Moved the section Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to a separate page


09/04/06   Vision: Binocular Functions: Amblyopia

Added new section:

Treatment: Current Research


8/28/06   Other Suggestions

Added new section:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


08/20/06    Other Suggestions

Moved the section Insomnia to a separate page


08/20/06   Other Suggestions: Mirror Work

Added new section:

Mirror Work: Things to Consider: Treatment of Partial Paralysis


08/17/06   Laterality

Moved the section Determining Laterality to a separate page


08/17/06   Laterality

Updated the section:

The Tomatis Method


08/12/06   Other Suggestions: Mirror Work

Added new section:

Things to Consider


08/12/06   Vision: Binocular Functions: Amblyopia

Added new section:

Treatment: The NeuroVision Treatment


08/12/06   Other Suggestions

Moved the section Distractions to a separate page


08/12/06   Research Topics (A through M)

Moved the section Melanin to a separate page


08/12/06   Research Topics

Moved the section Mirror Work to the Other Suggestions page.


08/09/06   Arousal: Allergies

Added an excerpt to the section:

More Information: Dark Eye Circles: Suggestions


08/09/06   Exercise: Swiss Ball Exercises

Added a note to the section:

Exercises: Pelvic Isolation/Rocks


08/02/06   Vision: The Bates Method: Sunning

Added new section:

·        Instructions: Tips


08/02/06   Vision: The Bates Method

Moved the section:

·         Four Basic Exercises: Sunning

to a separate page


07/25/06   Hearing: Sound Sensitivity: Hyperacusis

Added links:

·           Posture: Forward Head Posture

·           Posture: Lumbar Lordosis

To the section:

Stretching and Strengthening


07/25/06   Hearing: Sound Sensitivity: Hyperacusis

Renamed the section:



Stretching and Strengthening


07/24/06   Research Topics

Added new topic:

Mirror Work


07/17/06   Vision: Binocular Functions: Convergence Insufficiency

Added an excerpt to the section:

Suggestions: Convergence Exercises (Orthoptic Therapy) and/or Base-In Prisms: Convergence Exercises (Orthoptics): Near Point of Convergence Exercises:


07/16/06   Hearing: Sound Sensitivity

Added new section:

Phonophobia: Tips


07/16/06   Hearing: Sound Sensitivity: Hyperacusis

Added new section:

Things to Avoid: Phonophobia


7/15/06   Notes

Added a note


07/12/06   Research Topics: Brainwaves

Added an excerpt to the section:

Alpha Brainwaves: Description


07/12/06   Research Topics: Brainwaves

Added an excerpt to the section:

Theta Brainwaves: What are Theta Brainwaves?


07/12/06   Research Topics: Brainwaves

Corrected an excerpt from the section:

Theta Brainwaves: What are Theta Brainwaves?


"Theta activity is defined by international Federation of Electrophysiology and Clinical Neurophysiology as a frequency band of 4-8 Hz [not mHz]."

Journal of Neurotherapy: Theta: Don’t Tread on Me


07/11/06   Exercise

Added new section:

Swiss Ball Exercises


07/06/06   Posture: Rounded Shoulders

Added another note to the section:

Suggestions: Exercises: The 'Hitchhiker' Exercise


07/06/06   Other Suggestions: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Added links:

·        Research Topics: Similarities with ADD: Symptoms: Self-Stimulating Behaviors

·        Other Suggestions: Self-Esteem

To the section:

Related Topics


7/06/06   Notes

Added a note


07/06/06   Sleep: Sleep on Your Back

Added another note to the section:

Tips: Head and Neck Pillows




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